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Blogging Plans!

Posted by Brad V on

Bare with us on blogging, we are by NO means professional bloggers! haha

Let's start off, saying thanks for reading this! If you are a prospective customer, Welcome to the sticker joint family!

To our loyal repeat customers, you know we appreciate your support and business!

The point of this blog is to showcase our work. Hear lessons learned, mistakes made, some behind the scenes. To make Sticker Joint more personal, having a connection, that frankly you just can't find many places anymore.

For example we have many suppliers, to source good pricing to pass over to the customer. As well as having multiple suppliers to get product when others are out of stock.. etc.

So in the past month two major suppliers(i won't throw them under the bus... yet) that one i have emailed twice asking about a piece of equipment. Let me say it's already been a month and i haven't heard back to either request.... It went through because i have the automated messaging. Saying "we received your ticket blah blah. we will respond in 48-72 hours.)" Another one is more recent i emailed the branch and corporate. Plus called.. No answer to emails or calls... been a week... RIDICULOUS customer service. I am literally trying to dump money into your business for supplies and you can't even get back to me..

At Sticker Joint we thrive to answer ASAP. Not 24 hours later. Not 48. Not 72. Not two months later. Not Never. Most of the time i will get back to people within an hour. If not, almost always by the end of the day. Which is a few hours at most. I even answer on the weekends. Which i am going to start to cut back on. Just so i actually have some time off to relax and get some other things done.

I speak about those examples to tie back into the point that we want a personal experience with our customer and good customer service! I have no doubt that if you talk to our customers they will tell you: Fast/Great customer service, Amazing shipping(you will NOT get your product folded, bent, or rolled up tightly) all resulting in a hard install for you. As well as decent prices!

Our other goal with blogging is to "network/market" with customers. For example if you have a business and do business with us. We will show off our work while giving your business recognition. Giving a run down of what we did for you, what you have to offer. How you got started. etc. This will mostly be for repeat customers or bigger jobs. We just don't have to time to blog about every little thing that leaves the shop.

We would also like to showcase our return customers that just have a bunch of ideas that turn into projects with us, hobbies and vehicles! Preferably ones that promote a sense of community, helping others, giving back, funny content or just the customer that has huge amounts of passion for what they are into!

So with that we would want to do kinda of an interview so we can share it. Telling your story, how your experience was with us, what your plans/dreams are for your projects moving forward. All while bringing eyes to follow you along on your journey on social media/site.

Last we want to touch on our relationship with customers a little more. Our business model isn't about having the cheapest product and just skating by being a transactional business. Meaning there is no connection with the customer, it's not personal, you just come because we offer something the cheapest and you are on your way. That's just not what we are going for. We are investing in an emotional relationship. Meaning we want to connect with you. Give you solutions to your problems. Make your ideas come to life. Remember you for next time you come back, it's like an old friend you haven't talked to in years but pick up just where you left off. So if that means we lose some business because we are a little more expensive to compensate for good customer service. That is fine because that is the model we are shooting for.


Thanks again for reading! Keep an eye out for our next blog post!
Feedback is always welcome.
If you are a blogger and have some information you want to share.
Email us or message us on social media!


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