This is our first customer appreciation post and questionnaire!
Brian was the first customer to come to mind immediately when we thought, who should we reach out to first. If all customers were like Brian it would be a dream come true! He has all of his own artwork, sized to fit on our rolls of vinyl, exact dimensions! We basically just download, cut and ship! Brian has made a few purchases with us for his 2009 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited X project Night Fury! As well as more projects on the way!
So what swayed you into purchasing a jeep rather than another vehicle?
I’ve wanted a Jeep since I was in high school. A friend of mine, at the time, had a red Jeep Wrangler and after a few rides I was hooked, however. It wasn’t until my late 30’s I decided to finally purchase a Jeep Wrangler.
Where did your drive for adventuring & exploring come from?
I’ve always been more of a homebody. Wasn’t really one for adventure and exploring until only a few years ago. My in laws were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary and they decided to take the entire family to Walt Disney World. After experiencing Disney World I was hooked on traveling and adventure. A Wrangler is all about adventure and exploring.
I see most of your modifications are Do It Yourself. Did someone teach you or did you just wing it? Did it come naturally or was it something that you had to slowly pick up?
Taking things apart has come naturally to me ever since I was a child. All of the modifications on my Jeep were installed by myself. Many aftermarket Jeep parts can be installed using basic hand tools and watching some YouTube videos. It also takes someone that isn’t afraid to break something and learn from their mistakes.
What are the final plans for the jeep and where do you see yourself going in it?
Anyone that owns a Wrangler knows that even if its done its really not. I have a lot of plans for my Wrangler before handing it over to my son in 8 years when he graduates from high school. Yeah, he’s going to have one heck of an ultimate graduation gift as long as I don’t do anything stupid with it.
I have a large list of modification. Two of the biggest are new Front and Rear DANA 44’s along with bed lining the interior and exterior of the Jeep. I would also like to take the Jeep to all 50 states.
How did you find sticker joint? And what made you take the leap of purchasing with us than another shop?
In all honesty I don’t recall exactly how I found Sticker Joint, but I believe I saw a post on Instagram. I had some custom vinyl work I needed done and took advantage of a special that was being prompted.
Can you describe your experience with sticker joint?
My experience with Sticker Joint has been very pleasant. Everything I’ve ordered has been of high quality and pricing for custom work has been excellent and is one of the reason why I keep coming back. Also having the correct vinyl green (Gecko Green) helped a lot.
If you would like to follow Brian to see if he will keep the jeep in one piece until his boy graduates!
You can visit his Website or Instagram